Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Apollo 13

Part I:  I thought this movie was very interesting to watch. I have some background on different space missions that occurred but I really did not know much about this one. I thought this movie was very good and kept me on the edge of my seat because of all of the problems that occurred. It is truly amazing that these men were able to survive despite all of the problems that occurred, and this movie gives a great depiction of what actually happened. I liked how the movie portrayed the emotions of everyone involved, including the 3 men's families. Despite how bad it looked for these guys, the main character Jim never gave up hope and his persistence on getting him and the 2 other men back home. He kept the men going throughout the film, and probably saved their lives by convincing them not to give up. Ultimately, when the men were about to reenter the atmosphere and fell into the ocean everyone was filled with joy. I really liked this movie because it was a true, scary story, yet it showed how strong these men were and how amazing it was that they were able to make it back home.

Part II: If i had to choose a theme for this movie, I would choose hope and never giving up. These 3 men were in space, and the worst thing happened to them that they could imagine. The issues they had with their spacecraft were so bad, that it was very unlikely they would be able to make it back alive. Nethertheless, the main character Jim never gave up hope, and he put this into the other 2 men. This quality is what led the men to work had and ultimately make it back home. They easily could've given up, but they didn't and I think this movie shows that no matter how hard something can become, there is always hope for better times. These men were in the worst circumstance possible, yet with hope and bravery they were able to overcome it and make it back home.

Monday, April 27, 2015

United 93

Part I: I thought this movie was extremely interesting and at the same time hard to watch. I always find it interesting to hear more about how the events of our nations worst day occurred. I think from what I know this movie gave an accurate account of the events that truly happened. It's terrifying to see how terrorists were about to successfully inflict so much destruction to our nation and take so many lives with it. This movie also showed how our government was reacting to everything that was happening which was very interesting to see. I never truly thought about how difficult and stressful it must have been on the people trying to figure out and understand what was happening. This movie showed all of the behind the scenes people, including the air traffic, the military unit, etc. I can't imagine being able to fully understand what was happening on this day as it happened, let alone being one of the people who had to figure out some kind of action to make. So many portions of the movie gave me chills, because it ultimately reminds me of how many lives were lost and it's so sad to even think about. The movie also led me with a profound respect for the people who were able to crash the one plane so it didn't hit the intended targets. Ultimately, United 93 filled me with sorrow for all the lives that were lost on this awful day in our nation's history.
Part II: This movie fills me with despair for what occurred on this day. I still cannot believe that all of that happened on 9/11. It's truly incomprehensible the destruction a group of people were able to inflict on our nation in just 1 day. I felt chills throughout the movie from different parts, and even just thinking about the amount of lives lost gives me chills.
Part III: I think "Never Forget" is an accurate statement for this day. The day was so detrimental to our nation, and the amount of lives lost in incomprehensible. Yet, what we took from this day was a sense of national and patriotism. After 9/11, our nation ultimately came together as one, and attempted to pick up the pieces. I believe this day gave people a chance to put aside any petty differences and come together to mourn the people who lost their lives. Therefore I believe that this day is a day that we should never forget, because the destruction and lives lost is something that we can truly never forget.