Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Part I: I thought 42 was overall a very touching, and inspiring movie. I think the story of Jackie Robinson is truly intriguing, and his integrity throughout everything he faced was so amazing. He went to UCLA, and was exposed to playing with other white men, and excelled greatly there, achieving varsity letters in 4 sports. I think the scene where he is with his baseball team traveling to one of their games embraces what the rest of the movie will be like. When they stop at a gas station, the worker tells Robinson that he can't use the white bathroom, Robinson however does not accept that, and he without violence he is able to get the man to let him use the bathroom. This is almost symbolic with the rest of the movie. Throughout the movie, Robinson is told not to let people to get to him, and not to reciprocate any action no matter how tough it gets. Robinson does just that, and he is able to eventually show people his true, immense talent. I truly thought it was very interesting to see how much the president of the dodgers wanted to make a change in the segregation of baseball. Intially, people told him he was crazy for thinking he could achieve that successfully, but he had his mind set with Robinson. He told Robinson throughout the movie how hard it would be, but that he had to stay strong by not saying anything. I truly think that the president of the Dodgers had Robinson's back, and I thought that was so interesting to see. I think this movie just really embraces how difficult it was for African American's. Robinson's talent was so immense, and people gave him such a difficult time just because of his skin color. I thought it was disgusting how pitchers would try to hit him or give him bad pitches so he couldn't show what he was made of. However, despite all of the prejudice and un equal treatment he received, he was eventually able to overcome this and show how great of a player he was. And i think thats what makes this movie so amazing.

Part II: I truly believe that Robinson had a great impact on this country. He helped show people that segregation was not right, especially in sports. He was a great example of why people should not be judged based on their skin color, and I think he completely helped people to see that. I think an important lesson that can be learned from Robinson is the fact that nothing will ever come easy. Everyone will always have situations where they are judged and put down, but with hard work and determination we can be as successful as we want.
I agree with the quote that Robinson made- "A life is not as important except in the impact it has on other lives." This is definitely something Robinson lived by. He affected so many lives, whether it be white people changing their views, African Americans with no hope for equality, or little boys who had dreams of being famous athletes one day. This quote embodies what a true hero is, and I think that's a goal most people have. It's important to try to make an impact on other people throughout your life.

Part III: Jackie's values and barriers are something that can be applied to anything, whether it be sports, school, or work. The importune of persistence, never giving up on your goal, while managing integrity and justice is very influential. I've used goals like these throughout my high school volleyball career. I've always had to fight for my position when trying out for higher level club teams, and there were times I wanted to give up. But, I used the ideals of courage, determination, and persistence and I truly believe it did help me to get pretty far.

1 comment:

Burk said...

"But, I used the ideals of courage, determination, and persistence and I truly believe it did help me to get pretty far." All I can say is that it will only take you further. You mention persistence, integrity - both are very important, particularly the latter. It makes you who you are - well done!