Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Kill the Irishman

Part I: I thought this movie was overall pretty good, it wasn't my favorite however I did enjoy it. I think the fact that all of this took place in Cleveland intrigued me the most. I think the overall story was pretty interesting. It's weird to see how these men would just turn on people who were supposed to be close to them and have them killed. I think it's even crazier that so many bombings happened in Cleveland during a short period of time, and I had never heard about it. I liked how in the movie they included old clippings that were real from when all of this happened. Throughout the movie we see the progression of Danny Greene. At the beginning, Greene is somewhat involved in mafia actions, and he meets a girl and ends up marrying her, which seemed normal. I thought it was weird to see him married with children while he is involved in such a dangerous, violent business. As it progressed and got worse, she did end up leaving him, which I thought was completely justified, given what he was doing. I understand that Greene was deep in the business, however, he was beating people up in front of his children, which I thought was awful. Later on in the movie, he meets another girl who he begins spending a lot of time with. They develop a relationship and towards the end she tells him that she loves him. After he hears this, he begins crying because the nature of his job, and so many people were trying to kill him that he knew eventually he would have to break her heart in some way. I thought that the way Greene acted in the end was very heroic in nature. He wanted to change things up by opening a restaurant, and it turned bad by the way he borrowed money. After this, he basically had a death sentence on him. Everywhere he went people were trying to kill him, and he kept fighting to survive every day. The last scene he has a conversation with a bunch of kids before he is killed by a car bomb. I thought the way Greene went out was very brave.
Part II: I would describe Danny Greene as a man who was very brave and courageous given what he was involved. He wasn't afraid of anything, from someone hold a gun to him to bombs. I think the nature of what he did for a living was obviously very awful, but he had a lot of fame for his success in it and also how no one could essentially kill him. He didn't just give up and fought until the end of his life. 

1 comment:

Burk said...

I agree, he went out as brave, but I also think he became more human, understanding that his way of life would eventually come to an end. It did...with a bang!